ferociously stalled
held unmoving on the edge of progress and inertia, like a revving car slides side to side burning rubber, i repeatedly caught myself disappointed by an eagerness to pursue what i love confined by the need to simply ‘get by’. frustration became anxiety which became hopelessness, rotting my enthusiasm to create work. in this murky haze i pointed a toy camera, a black box holding a plastic lens and film, towards anything that felt like an opportunity to disrupt the endless loops in which i kept finding myself.
ferociously stalled strings together these distractions with care. by constantly having a toy camera around my neck, i didn’t have to think about my own self-constructed parameters of image-making, and shoot when i caught a chance to distract myself from spiraling. a greater focus could be given to the parts that surprised me during my exhausted commutes to work or fulfilling routines just to have something to do. photographing became reflexive again; opportunistic, and exciting.
archival metallic prints and book
diana F+ mini toy camera
video flip-through of book below gallery of selected images